Q – We were referred to this site by our travel agent and were surprised at your placement of Viking River Cruises below many of the smaller, lesser-known lines. The Conde Nast Ratings apparently rate Viking River near the top. No offense intended, but why should we believe a web site versus a respected publication like CNT?
A – No offense taken – it is an excellent question. First of all, the ratings you refer to are from the annual “Reader’s Choice” poll. Readers send in their ratings on a wide range of travel products. Since Viking River owns far more than 60% of the total European river boat inventory, it is safe to assume Viking has more past guests in the USA than any other river line. They are, as well, the heaviest advertisers in the river boat category.
We just don’t think that social media and reader votes, many of which are openly solicited by various travel products, ought to serve as the standard by which qualitative ratings are based. We think that any reader survey ought to be rejected solely on the basis of the voter’s typical lack of reference in judging a great many same category products.
Finally, we wonder how any entity can claim to fairly judge products and their comparative value, when the products being judged pay huge sums of money to the web site or publication for advertising.
We will never do that. If we did, we would feel that we were insulting the intelligence of our readers. The choice is yours.
The question is not whether or not Viking River provides a superior river boat product. The real question is whether or not there are better options for you and your specific profile.